Can You Hear Me Now?
16”x16” • mixed media on wood
This painting goes out to all those bullies who picked on me, mean girls who criticized me, people who thought I couldn’t do it, be it, or have it, or those who just plain pissed me off in general… from childhood to present day. And well, in 2018 it kind of was a lot about Girl Power. So I was “voicing” my opinion and asking the ever-so-well-known Verizon phrase, “can you hear me now?” with my big ‘ol middle finger.
This was the second piece from my graffiti-style series and started with a bold, bright patchwork background, where I hid lots of little surprises in the form of unique collage elements. The cherry on top of this sundae was the final element — her barrette — which I found in the street on my way home from Ocean Grove’s 4th of July parade.
$795 (framed)